When coming from Idaho Falls on Highway 20, go through Rexburg and one mile past the North Rexburg Exit to Exit 338 (Sugar City). Turn right and into town. It is the first building on the right after the gas station.
This picture shows the view as you approach the gas station coming into town.
This picture shows the view as you approach the gas station coming into town.

This is the view as you pull into the parking lot. You can park here or on the road. Just don't block the last garage door as they may need to get a service vehicle out.
Directions to the range

Go back to Highway 20 heading towards Idaho Falls. You will take the second exit that says Mud Lake / Salmon. Then turn right as pictured here. You will drive several miles until you get to the Henry's Fork of the Snake River. Just after you cross the river you will see Beaver Dick Park on your left.

You will turn left on the small gravel road AFTER the entrance to Beaver Dick Park.

Here is a sign you will see on the right at the turn. Drive down that gravel road until you see my vehicle parked by the road. Park so you do not block the road. I will try to provide directions once I am parked.

We will be shooting in an area like this.

If for some reason it is unsafe or just too busy, we will go out to the range. It is further away form Rexburg (west) on the Mud Lake / Salmon highway. You will see it on the right just as you are coming along side the butte pictured above. It is called the Unified Sportsman's Club. You will take a right as you come in and find my vehicle. I will bring a sign up sheet for the range and I will pay the range fees if we have to use this option.